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since 1998 handmade Axel Reichert Pipes come into existance. I’ve permanently upgraded my knowledge about making pipes and furthermore at the beginning I was lucky to have found Rainer Barbi as an especially good master. I set a very high value on the choice of best briar-wood, therefor I only use plateau-wood with the highest grade of quality.These plateau-pieces are chosen with care and by my own hands in the suitable sawmills.


Pipes with smooth surface, but also sandblasted models are leaving my pipe-workshop. Depending on model or customer preference the pipes get applications of precious wood, horn, bamboo or mammoth ivory. The handmade mouthpieces are finished exclusively with caoutchouc due to their best sensation for biting. The are adapted exactly to the holm, depending on customer wish with or without filtre. Handmade Reichert-pipes can only be found in exclusive pipestores.It’s my aim to produce high quality pipes, that afford a real great pleasure by smoking to every pipelover.


Yours Axel Reichert